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More Than A Meal, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Federal Tax ID Number EIN: 45-4444272 We served breakfast and give clothes at: 502 N. Walnut St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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EIN 45-4444272 copy and paste this number into the search page.
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Non-profit Company Profile
More Than A Meal, Inc receives less than $50,000.00 in donations and is required to file Form 990-N - Income less than $50,000 per year. Our expenses are much less than that. We estimate $6,500.00 was spent on food. The food is provided to us by donors. We create the food order and the donor brings the food that they buy. We estimate $7,500.00 spent on clothes, not including the value of the additional bags of clothes that are donated. We also have a cost of $700.00 a year to have a portable toilet prepared for use when hosting breakfast outdoors. Maintenance and gas for the van estimate $750.00. Propane for cooking estimated at $175.
We are a small organization but we try to have a large impact on our community. We are driven to look for more partnerships that will allow us to feed, clothe, and help the homeless.
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